We arrived back in Madagascar at the end of August and in the last few months, we have seen some phenomenal things unfold - from life transforming surgeries - to vast growth in our medical training programs that literally impact the entire country.... to little club feet that have been straightened... here are some picture that tell the story...

Our mentoring opportunities for nurses, doctors, anaesthetists, surgeons and even the sterilising and biomed technicians have grown once again this year...

Not to mention the many courses... Check this wonderful video out to give you an idea of some of the medical training we have been doing - 'Lasting Impact' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT8i_bRjgMU
This is a group of 16 local nurses we are in the midst of training to take over the Fistula Centre we will leave behind and hand over to an organisation called 'Freedom from Fistula'... they are a precious bunch - trained nurses but previously unemployed... this is hope and building for the future...
We have been able to renovate many of the buildings at the local University Hospital and the results are incredible...
The Ponseti and Biomed building before... and after....
The Rehab and Biomed Department before... and after...
Where children with Club Feet get treated using the Ponseti (non surgical) casting method...
And feet that were bent begin to dance... how incredible to think they will never know what life was going to be like for them...
The HOPE Centre where over 200 patients are housed pre and post surgery whilst for B&B... before... and after...
And... The Operating Rooms before... and after...
The University Hospital really has been transformed.
And not just that...
there's the long lines of patients for the Dental Team (above) - who have treated over 3000 people since September this year
Our Patient Selection Teams have searched for patients in 11 different cities... and seen literally thousands and thousands of potential candidates....
And whether it's the ladies who have had their Obstetric Fistulas repaired (122 since September)...
Or the kids with bent legs (106 since September)...
Or the natural beauty that is just Madagascar...
(I'm the one nearest with my foot poking out of the water whilst searching for tropical fish!)...
Thank you God for your amazing grace that loves, trasnforms and heals hearts for eternity... we give you all the glory....
And if all this leaves you hungry for even more... check out our overview of our previous Field Service here in Madagascar October 2014-June 2015 https://vimeo.com/132544326
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